Monday, January 21, 2013


Note to self:

Self you are a great person,mother,sister,friend and so much more.
Self you deserve to be loved as you would love another.
Self not everyone is going to hurt you intentionally, its ok to trust again.
Self you have the right to demand respect from others.
Self your opinion does matter.
Self you are a passionate,giving & caring person.
Self you have a lot of people that care about you & would do anything for you.
Self NEVER give up going after the things in life that are important to you no matter what!
Self what you have to say is just as important as the next person.
Self NEVER stop taking value in yourself.
Self its ok to take a day off every now and again from life.
Self continue to do good and show love to others around you.

Every now and again folks we have to remind ourselves why we matter & to NEVER give up. There will be those around you that will try to convince you other wise. They will only succeed if you allow them to. Its ok to have a down day and not have a reason for it. I like to refer to that as "Just Be" days. Just be what you want to be that day. If its low key or full throttle, then so be it. To often we are so critical of ourselves and feed into some of the negativity that surrounds us. STOP!!!  Surround yourself with people that will help pick you up or if need be hold you up for a minute. I'm blessed with a GREAT group of people both near and far. That being all the fuel I need to keep on keeping on.

As always please keep the men and woman of all our military in your prayers for a safe return as they are off protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. Also please remember those that are going through a challenging time right now in their own life that they may have the strength and guidance for the road ahead of them. God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

note to self....we all have an amazing friend!....we call her sunshine!!!

and we all love her and miss gabby!!