Thursday, October 15, 2009

"It Is What It Is"

Have you ever been through something in life & then sat back to ask the question "why is this happening to me again?" Well I have, to often. What it all comes down to is accepting the situation for what it really is. Just that. It's a situation and life is full of situations. Whether good, bad or indifferent they just are.

A couple of my friends and I were talking about different life situations when one of them said, "I was ok when I just accepted the fact that sometimes we have to be ok with not knowing why something happened." That was such a profound thought for me that I have not stop thinking about it for almost 3 weeks. Really think about that. If we can allow our self to be ok with "it is what it is" then life would flow much smoother for us and big things would be just as little as the little things. Worry and stress would be down and everything around us even relationships with others would be a whole lot sweeter. Not to mention your health will improve.

One of the biggest things I have learned so far in life is that we all play a part in things that happen both to us and sometimes around us. If we clear our minds of anger or sadness about the situation and with an open mind ask the question "what was my part in this?" I'm sure it will shock you to see that you did have a part to play whether it was a little part or the leading roll, it was a part played. From there you have a choice to make. Decide what can you do differently or just be more aware of it the next time a similar situation arises. Two things will come from this. One you will become a better more aware person & two you will start moving forward with a more positive outlook on things.

Now don't get me wrong there are those certain situations that come up and will test you to the core of your very being. Keep in mind that people are like pigeons and they will do what they do regardless of what you do. But stay strong and remember no matter what you've been through god loves you and is always there for you. It is us that chooses to move not him! In the end it is not going to matter what the situation was, it will however matter how you handled it.

As always please remember the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers that they may have a safe return home to their loved ones.

Good night and God Bless.