Thursday, November 14, 2013

The Spirit Within

"What is man without beasts? If all the beasts were gone, man would die from a great loneliness of the spirit. For whatever happens to the beasts soon happens to man"   Chief Seattle

Your "beasts" are whatever they are for you as the individual. Mine tend to be more along the lines of personal, professional & spiritual. Funny really, how they coincide with the 3 philosophies of human ecology; mind, body and spirit.  When the mind is in a healthy place it makes it possible for the body to be physically up for the challenge. Making it easier to get in a better spot spiritually. Now please don't confuse spiritual with religion. They are 2 different things. Although for some it is one in the same.

Take care of the body to quiet the mind, so that you may awaken the spirit. Native Americans relied heavily on the spirit world to guide them along their journey and everyday struggles. Whether it was a tree, animal or higher power of their choosing. The problem with today's world is that we are so rushed and under a lot more pressure to get things done or be what others think we should be. Not allowing ourselves time to quiet the mind and look within to awaken our spirit for guidance.

My idea of slowing the mind is to read a book or listen to soothing music and just be in the moment. Forcing out all negative thoughts that sometimes consumes our minds. Thoughts tend to consume me being a single mom and worrying about the daily demands that come along with that or worrying what tomorrow may bring. Worried that I am not good enough. Or that I have not done enough. When I know that today is really all any of us have. This moment; right here, right now. And as long as we continue to take steps forward no matter how big or small, it is still forward & it is good enough just for today.

We'll always have both sides, the dark and the light. The negative and the positive. We are human beings. We tend to strengthen the part of our self that calls to us the loudest. Which side we hear is up to us individually. Let's not forget that all things happen for a reason and are meant for our good. Even the bad experiences. We're given the knowledge and direction we need when we're ready for it. We all got here with god's help and we'll get where we are meant to be in the same loving manner.

When we awaken to the living growing world, our spirits lift and open to the hope and new possibilities life has to offer. If I keep my mind focused on peace, harmony, health and love. Then, I can't be distracted by doubt, anxiety and fear. I have to remind myself on a daily basis that I am a work in progress. And sometimes; I have to do this throughout the day.

Spirituality is one of the common threads through all of this. Our spiritual search is our effort to improve our conscious contact with our higher power. Whatever you choose to call it. I choose to call mine God. Through this will come harmony of the mind,body and spirit. Providing a simple reminder of where I've been and where I'm going.

Let go of fear. Feel it and breathe it out. Letting go of all the frustration, overwhelming feelings and panic that come with it. Quiet yourself. Love yourself through it. Remind yourself that you are good enough and that right now in this moment in time, is all we have. Awaken your spirit.

As always please remember the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. So that they may one day soon have a safe return to their loved ones.
A special prayer for anyone who is going through a challenging time right now as well. With the holiday seasons upon us it tends to make things harder to deal with.  God Bless.