Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Keep Moving!!

As the end of the year comes to a close it leaves alot of us looking back over the past year & seeing what we may want to do differently in 2010. Is it go on a diet, quit smoking, getting out of an unhealthy relationship, learning to love yourself, appreciate what it is you have & not envy others that have more?! Whatever it is your thinking of changing or doing better just keep in mind it's not easy to change for the better. There will be trials along the way & people who will jump on your road to success trying to discourage you from moving forward in a positive manner. Keep moving! Learn to bob and weave around the road blocks. Duck and cover if you have to, but just keep moving!

Its when we push through the rough spots that we reap bigger rewards in the end. We will have a new found appreciation for different people, places and things. Not to mention a new appreciation of ourselves as well. That being the biggest reward of all. I once heard in a song "it is in our weakest moment when we find strength we never knew had..." in another verse it says "life has been patiently waiting for me..." How powerful is that? Life is sitting waiting on me to make up my mind what it is I want to do or be?!

No one is promised the next minute let alone the next day so we really should make the most of today, right now. Live as if this is your last moments on earth, around your loved ones. Ask yourself if right now was the end would you be ok with how things are? Would you look at how you treated people and say "yep I did good & showed love"? Would your loved ones know how much they mean to you? If right now you stood in front of God & he asked you "did you enjoy all that I gave you good & bad?" Would you be able to answer YES & mean it?! I know I could not & that is why I have to go back over some things and make some positive changes.

The bad times are as necessary as the good times or how else would we be able to appreciate the good. We have to dig deep down in our soul, spirit and our very being to find the courage and strength to rise above the bad; all the while knowing that the good is right over the crest.

As we think about the things that we are going to change this year, please remember the men and woman of all branches of the military as they fight for our healthy freedoms back here at home. So that they may one day soon have a safe return.

Good night & God Bless.

Thursday, December 24, 2009

Merry Christmas

To all my family and friends;
My wish for you this holiday season it that you get all that you want and deserve.

May you have a safe, happy and joyous Christmas.

Please remember those men and woman that are serving in the armed forces and wont be home this holiday season, in your prayers for a safe return soon.

Good night and God bless