Tuesday, January 13, 2009


As we head into the new year with new ideas, new situations or just new circumstances in general no matter how big or small; and hopefully we are all going into it with a renewed spirit for nothing but good things ahead of us! Lets head into it with a positive attitude & throw away the set up for disappointment called a "resolution". Not to many of us stick to them anyhow. I believe if you go into the year with positive ideas and a goal list of things you would like to accomplish instead of a have to resolution list you are more likely to succeed. Let me explain. We are our own worst critics I know this from experience. We get so caught up in things that we forget to forgive ourselves for a mistake we may have made along the way. If you make a "Would like to accomplish list" instead of a "Have to list" then you wont be as upset if you can only scratch 7 out of 10 items off the list. Life happens & sometimes we cant help what happens around us or to us. Now I'm not saying that to allow you an excuse for not doing anything. I'm just giving you permission to not be so hard on yourself! God has lots of promises and opportunities in store for us. He wants to give you enough to bless other people that may come in your life.
A person can not expect to stay focused on the defeat and think they will be able to move forward. After all we are masters of our own fate! And isn't it funny how many times we have talked ourselves out of a good thing, because we are so afraid? Or how many times we have overwhelmed our self with things to do, so that we wont be forced to look at our fears. I read this profound statement in a magazine and I cant help but to share it because it is sooooooo true, it reads: "All the commotion that goes with reinventing myself might just be a distraction from my greatest fear: failure!" WOW That really stuck out to me because I am so afraid of failure that I never even thought about the possibility of success. I'm sure that comes from old behavior & old situations in the past that have knocked me down. But I can not and will not focus on that I must focus on moving forward in a positive mind frame.
Do you remember when you were little playing the game; "your getting warmer/colder"? I seen an article that spoke about using this game to guide ones intuition otherwise known as your gut instinct. We have all been through a situation I'm sure (if your being honest) where we have ignored that little voice that comes from our gut telling us not to do something. If you are a person that struggles with listening to your gut instinct try this instead. Make a list and break it down into components as to which feels warm or cold, good and bad will work as well. And remember to be 100% honest with your feelings on the matter while doing this. The paper wont justify if you wont either!!
Make a choice for your life based on what makes you feel freer and happier, rather than on how you think an ideal life should look. Try to live a life based on Healthy Freedoms for your life and only your life not someone elses. Things are not always what they appear and one may be very unhappy on the inside. Life is a process as well as a journey lets have fun along the way no regrets!!
As I close please keep our soldiers everywhere in your thoughts and your prayers for safe returns to their loved ones.
Good night and God Bless.


Anonymous said...

I love it! Changing our lives has less to do with what we decide, than on how we respond. How we respond to stress, to pain, to joy, to God, to each other.

Anonymous said...

Jen's comments about warmer and colder are very similar to those spoke about in a book Psycho-Cybernetics by Maxwell Maltz. He states how we can self sabatoge our goals by not focusing on the smaller ones that will get us to the ultimate goal.

I had the pleasure in meeting a man named Jim Connelly this past weekend who is a multi-millionaire several times over and has been in the presence of Presidents, Elvis, Sanatra, ran the Olypmic Torch....you name it. Over his 60+ plus years he has seen it all. He specifically stated that he still has days, after all of his successes, where he will wake up and say to himslef, "Jimmy, you haven't done shit with your life!" It takes a concious effort on his part to reverse that thinking. And does so by going to his home office and reviews a list he made of EVERYTHING he did to help people over the course of his life.

Jen is on the right track here. Keep it up I enjoy reading the posts.


Anonymous said...

Then I know people who have sabatoged things because they are so very afraid of succeeding at them. Or that they are so wrapped up in their goals they forget about what is really important!