Sunday, February 3, 2013

Soldier On

As I had a nice long cry in the shower this morning thinking about this quote I knew I had to post about.  STRENGTH!!!  Strength to push through a love you cant have even if you know it would be an amazing love story. Strength to do one more push up when your arms are like jello. Strength to keep chasing a dream based on your god given talent. Strength to take one more chemo treatment when your body is screaming "I cant do this anymore". Strength to be strong for a loved one who is struggling.  This quote is 100% accurate in we don't know our own strength until we are faced with the very thing that challenges it,whatever that may be.
For me being a single mother and wanting to be the best mother one can be takes strength as well. When I just want lay down and give up I hear a little voice say "mommy can I have..." and I know giving up is not an option. I have to push through whatever is troubling me because this little person did not ask for a part time mother. It is my job to show her how to live with strength and perseverance.  NEVER GIVE UP NEVER SURRENDER!
Pushing through a love you can not have is Gods way of whispering in your ear "not yet my child". And really if you think about it love is all around us in our family and friends so we should get off the pity pot and tell ourselves "you are loved look around you". Never settle for anything less than the true romance that we all deserve. I believe that god places dreams on our hearts and sends us constant reminders of what we are to be focused on and never give up until we achieve the dream with the talent he gave us.
Talk about true strength and perseverance, go through chemo treatment for a cancer that is eating you alive from the inside out. And why does this have to happen to good positive people? Why do the ugly people in the world get a free pass in life? I don't have an answer for that one. What I do know is God has a master plan for all of us and it is in these "why?" moments that we must hang on to the strength he has given each and everyone of us. Along with knowing he has our back if we allow him to.
Bottom line folks is we all have a choice to lay down and give up or dig deep within ourselves and find this thing called strength. We must soldier on through all that life throws our way. You only fail when you stop trying!!!
As always please remember all the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers for a safe return home soon as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here back home. Also please continue to pray for all those suffering with something in their lives, whether it be an illness or heartbreak etc.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

how did the water get so cold??