Monday, May 11, 2015

Cherished Love

"Happiness is not measured by what you hold in your hand, but by what you hold in your heart." Author unknown
So often we take people and life for granted. Saying to ourselves, "I'll do that tomorrow" or "I'll make that call to so and so tomorrow." When we don't even know if we will have a "tomorrow". Or how many times have you said, "oh they know I love them" and not actually told those people you love them. How do you feel when someone tells you they love you? Do you feel like you can take on the world knowing that person loves you?! Do you walk with a little giddy up in your steps?! Do you catch yourself smiling a little more because you know your loved?! Words of love can be very inspirational. They can sometimes encourage us to move in another direction in our lives, set new goals, step outside our comfort zones to try something unfamiliar or just give us a sense of peace knowing we are loved. Both giving love and being loved can soften the sometimes difficult things we have to deal with in life.
I have a friend who is suffering from cancer that is spreading through out her body and quickly. The doctors say they don't want to do anymore surgery to remove the tumors, because they are growing to fast. They (doctors) have recently told her there is nothing more that can be done and give her 3/6 months to live. The whole time she is fighting just to stay alive one more day, her concerns are for her children, husband and close friends. She says to me that she is ok with dying and that she is not afraid for the inevitable to happen, she is sad that her kids (grown) and husband have to go through all this. Telling me they have their own lives to live and should not have to be taking care of her. My dear friend is probably the most positive person I have ever met and ALWAYS no matter what she has going on in her life, tries to see the positive outcome in anothers problems. I have been very blessed for the last 20 years to have been part of her life and her of mine. She has made a HUGE impact on the person I have grown to be. She has taught me how to forgive and how to love by showing me with her actions. She has shown me how to laugh at the painful situations that would make another want to cry. She has shown me how to be a good friend. And even in the depths of her illness, she continues to teach me things...strength, determination, acceptance etc.  Ms.Sheryl is and will ALWAYS be my rock. My inspiration. My best friend. Her love and friendship will forever be cherished by myself and many others.
We don't have to get caught up in every storm that blows our way or every pain our loved ones go through. We don't have to right every wrong done to others. All we need to do is; "do good show love" as old man Raymond use to say. No storm or pain is ever really to bleak when we share it with an abundance of love to be cherished by both self and others. Offering our love humbles us and cultivates an inner joy/peace. It has been VERY hard for me to accept and see my super strong, positive, active friend fight this battle. And because of that has taken me WAY to long to go see her. But then one day in a conversation with someone, they said to me..."it's for her not you. She needs this." It helped me to realize I had to stop being selfish and go show my friend the same love she would show me if the roles were reversed. Knowing we are loved inspires and invites us to put our best foot forward to do just that; "Pay it forward". Love causes ripples of great and simple acts of goodness in the world and does not cost a thing if you think about it. Each of us can change the course of history today, tomorrow and always just by sharing our love.
As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of military in your prayers for their safe return home one day, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.


Anonymous said...

Amazing! Straight from the heart! We're all so lucky to have you in our lives!

Anonymous said...

Good Share! ....from the fb photo just guessing you brought to her many smiles. Theres nothing sweeter than a long time friend in a dark hour...much is said without a word ever spoken. You are blessed to have each other!!! Prayers go up for you both!!!

healthy said...