As I sit down to write this my heart is breaking for those families in Newtown, Conn. who are living this horrible nightmare. May God bless you and give you strength to get through this. Please know the world is going through this with you, embracing you from near and far and sending you love and support so that you may be comforted in time of great sorrow. God Bless.
It is because of this yet again great tragedy that the world is up in arms as to what should take place now. This is another senseless killing spree and questions are flying. Who is to blame for this? Should it be the gun companies for making the guns? Should there be tougher gun laws? Should it be the insurance companies for making it so hard for people to get the proper medical treatment so badly needed? Should it be the parents for ignoring what was right in front of them the whole time? Funny how our world blames the person them self (driver) when it comes to a drunk driving death. You don't hear our nation start screaming "Sue the car companies, make it harder to buy a car..." Why is it that our nation is so quick when something like this happens for the need to find someone or something to blame it on? In no way will this make what happened hurt any less or bring back any of the lives lost.
Please don't think that I am down playing what happened by any means, that is NOT what I am doing here!! What I'm trying to get across; is right now our nation is mourning the loss of 20 innocent people both big and small. I have a very hard time watching or hearing about it, because it breaks my heart as I'm sure it does most of America. Does that mean that I care any less? Absolutely not!! Does it mean that I don't want to do something to help? Again, absolutely not!! Am I scared for my daughter who is just going to turn 6 on Christmas day? HELL YES!! I ask myself "what can I do to keep us safe?" NOTHING!! Life is uncertain. No one is promised tonight, tomorrow or the next day. We can not live in fear. We must not focus on the problem. What we need to do is focus on a solution. Stop pointing the finger and placing blame, rather help one another find a peace with this tragedy so that the families can grief and try to move on.
Honestly and this is just my opinion but the ones to blame is ourselves. Somewhere along the lines our world has lost family values. Be kind and courteous to one another. Do good show love. Treat others as you want to be treated. Very simple yet very important. For kicks and giggles I looked up the real definition of courteous and the meaning states very plain and simple; marked by respect for and consideration of others. Really people?! This is what I'm talking about. Our world has lost that respect for one another as human beings and I believe that we are our own worst enemies right now. We are self destructing our own country and then needing to blame others for the happenings around us. This is something I started preaching to my daughter from the time she was very little "you don't have to like that other person but you will treat them with respect and until the show you otherwise you will be courteous to them."
Being courteous does not take much effort folks. Holding a door for someone. Stopping in the parking lot to let someone cross in the rain because your nice and dry in your car. Offering to take the grocery cart back inside. If you know of an elderly person or someone who's laid up for whatever reason that could use some help, offer. On your way to work stop and let someone out that may be running late or having a horrible start to their day. Remember that we don't always know what others are going through and could be the reason they act the way they do. Does not mean we have to feed in to the negativity of the situation. I have to catch myself all the time from this. Stop and ask "Are you ok? Is this a bad time? Is there something I can do to help?" Chances are the answer will be NO, but that person will know that you were courteous enough to ask/offer. A positive attitude may not change the facts or situation but it can however ease the stress and anxiety of what someone is going through. That someone could very well be you. Wouldn't it feel good to know that someone was kind enough to make the simple gesture of simply offering help/support?!
As always please keep all men and woman of the military in your prayers for a safe and speedy return to their loved ones as they are off protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. Please also include everyone effected by this horrible tragedy so that they may find some kind of peace and strength to move on. God Bless
Feeling blessed to have you in my life! we could all make a difference if you keep writing about stuff like this it'll help! Bravo!!
Lived it and loved it !! Your blog hit home for me !! Love you sis WOW!! So true !!
Very well written and so true!!! Miss you!
Very nice….and on the money too. Although I have lived longer than you, back in the day people were courteous to each other but now everyone is on guard not knowing who they can or cannot trust. The lack of trust can be within ones family also which in a perfect world should not happen. Back in the day you were able to keep your doors unlocked now you put 3 locks on the door.
You need to focus on being a writer. Loved your blog!! ...I thought it was awesome.
Carol aka "momma"
You’re a good writer and very wise!! At first I didn’t know it was you writing it but I caught on as I read. I wish there were more people like you Jen!
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