Friday, December 28, 2012

The Weighted Scale

"We all want to help one another. Human beings are like that. We want to live by each others happiness, not by each other's misery" Charlie Chaplin

Finding balance on the scale we call life can sometimes be quite a challenge. Knowing when you have said or done to much. Or when you have not done or chased after what you want hard enough. Knowing that you gave all you can give to help another be their best or when enough is enough to protect yourself. These are some of the challenges. And challenges are what shapes us for our tomorrows. Which is all part of finding your happy balance allowing the scale to just be ever so steady. I believe that part of knowing or believing that your wants and needs are just as important as the next person is all part of getting to this point. I think that for some of us we don't value ourselves like we do others and this can cause a lot of unwarranted pain. We must believe that we are just as worthy of true happiness as we believe for another. Someone once asked me "would you expect another to do for you what you would do for them?" and my answer was, NO.  All stemming from previous abuse and learning that I was not worthy early in life. That was me before. Today I know that I am just as worthy as the next person to have a balanced scale. I to deserve to be happy and that its ok to ask for my wants and needs to be fulfilled. I know today that a healthy relationship not just man and woman but friendships as well, encourages the seeking of wider mental and spiritual horizons and is never threatened by them. Rather helps you reach your full potential.

 When the scale gets tipped in one direction weighing you down can sometimes allow fear to creep in and run its course on your life. It is learning to find that happy balance that can sometimes cause fear or anxiety. If we refuse to tolerate a certain amount of anxiety, we will stay in our same old ruts. Safe? Maybe, but stagnant non the less. And maybe not so safe after all, since the opposite of growth is death. We take a chance, a risk, and that requires courage. I love when Charlie Chaplin says "Failure is unimportant. For it takes a lot of courage to make a fool of yourself". Meaning that if we are so paralyzed by our fear of failing we will never take risks. Therefor never knowing what might of been.

Every day is a chance for a new experience. We can not do anything about yesterday's disappointments. We can however build on today's opportunities. However, wherever and whomever we choose to help is unimportant. There are those in need everywhere. But when we figure out how to sincerely help other people, we'll have also learned how to be happy for a lifetime. Thus coming after we have learned how to make ourselves genuinely happy can we share this with others. I like to tell people I am a work in progress and that it also takes a village to show another how to be a better person not just to raise our children.

As always please keep all our men and woman of the military in your prayers for a safe return to their loved ones as they are off protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless



Anonymous said...

Another great piece. Great job.

Anonymous said...

Good one and a great way to think about it!

Anonymous said...

Your observations on our choices determine the bumps in our life journey are spot on. Thank you for advising and reminding us there are lessons to be learned at every age. Gives me hope.
I want to read and reread them.
Very good, keep it up.