Monday, April 4, 2016


Often times I have both heard and said; "what if they don't like me?" "what if I'm not good enough?" "what if the things they say about me are true?"...The list of self defeating, mind screwing and confidence busting questions goes on.  There will ALWAYS be people who don't like you. And there will ALWAYS be someone who is better at something than you are. This does not mean that your worth is less another's.  Thus making us uniquely special in our own God given way.  Not in a bad way either.  When I feel like this it is usually because I  am not feeling one or a combination of feelings.  Validation, love, respect, worthy or a sense of being wanted etc.  Sometimes we have to demand these things from people and one of the ways we do this is by allowing our own self to feel all of these very valid and much needed feelings our self.  If we don't believe it, feel it and show it; how can we expect someone else to give it.  This is called self love.  

Self love is about finding your worth and holding on to the value each one of us is meant to have and hold.  Not to say there wont be bumpy patches along the way or things don't seem to be going the way you planned or expected. That's ok also. Feel it, but don't buy into any self doubt that may come from it.  Just like the butterfly...not so pretty things can and will transform into beautiful things. Joy can come from life tests. Ever changing ourselves into much stronger people for having gone through such trials and tribulations.  But only if we allow our minds to remain open to receiving these beautiful things.  Transforming the pain into a new understanding. A new beginning.

I have a friend who has literally been to the pits of hell and back and you could NEVER tell it when talking to her. She always says, "you have 2 choices; rise above the situation and make something good out of it or stay stuck in the situation and be miserable..."  And folks, believe me when I tell you if anyone has a right to be resentful and angry in life, she does!  But she chooses not to and instead uses her horrific life experiences to inspire others along the way.  Showing them how to value life more than the shit we sometimes get drug through.  Personally, she inspires me to keep on keeping on.

Regardless of the frightening experiences of the past, no matter how big or small, we need to believe that other results ARE possible.  And that a new self confidence can be gained if we believe enough in ourselves. The more we trip, the more we must pick ourselves up and move ahead in life with determination. The more determined, the more self assured we are and the more self assured, the more loving we will become.

When looking for your own self worth DONT compare yourself to another. Each of us makes his or her own way through life. We are only responsible for our own actions and how we react to life tests thrown at us.  We learn more from our own experiences (good and bad) than from anything we read in a book or another's story. It is your experience, your journey that you grow from and learn true self love. With that comes the value you place on self worth.

Being willing to change is an act of courage. We are the only ones who can change ourselves. And how we view or love our self. NEVER give up the belief that your journey has a purpose. We are all here for a reason. Your self worth has extreme value and loving yourself is VERY POSSIBLE. Stay true to who you are and place a value on yourself that no one can take away.  

As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of our military, police and fire in your prayers. So they may return home safe, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home.  God Bless.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Beautiful. As always, my friend! I just love that your blog is always positive. No matter what the topic.