Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hungry For More

How many times have you been in a room full of people and felt all alone? Or because no one talked to you, felt unwanted? Have you ever been in a relationship with someone that made you feel like this? I know I have. Not because the feelings necessarily were fact, but probably the opposite...I internally felt unwanted causing me the feeling of loneliness. Due to always being pushed aside for something or someone else. I'm sure, where the feeling of not being good enough or worth of what everyone else has, had or was receiving came from. Creating the "poverty" Mother Teresa speaks of. Stirring a hunger inside to be liked, loved and wanted. Maybe this is why when in a group of people I make a point to speak to everyone. To let them know their presence is just as important as mine or anyone else in the room.

Some days we might ask ourselves, "is it worth it?", "why do I even bother?". Truth, we can feel alone, even when busy with everyday things. It feels like no one seems to care. Like life is so hard. Or people seem so distant. Even if standing right next to us. That is when we need to slow down and figure out what is going on with us internally, causing us to feel like this. We need to know we matter in this life. We need to realize that in reality, we are each contributing in our own unique way to one another. Our self included.

While we may share many characteristics and similar stories we are in fact each very different in our own way. And ALL bring something to the table that can help another. A gentle hug. A consoling word. Or even just an open ear to listen with. All of which possess a lot of power and contribution. It is said that with the lack of human interaction, whether through touch or conversation can be one of our greatest impediments to emotional intimacy and happiness.

It is when we become arrogant in thinking "I can do it myself" that pushes us deeper into loneliness. Masking a desperate feeling of inadequacy. Always pushing us to prove our worth to others or feeling like we had to. When in the process we trample on and ignore the needs of those around us. Those who want us and others to see their competency and worth as well. Perhaps you know of those who are just as hungry as you for assurance that they are loved and not alone in this life. There is power in a caring touch or kind word. I dare you to try offering a simple hug or ask "how are you?" and mean it. Your touch may accomplish what your words can't. And those are the moments that change and possibly save lives.

Each of us wants to be significant to someone else. And not necessarily in a romantic setting either. The truth of the matter is; we are ALL significant to all the lives we're touching at this moment in time. And the paradox is that we heal ourselves along the way, while offering our attention to another who is, by no mistake or coincidence, on our path.

Change is not easy, but it is absolutely unavoidable. And even worth it from time to time. Doors will close. Pot holes will get in our way. Frustration will mount. But NOTHING stays the same forever; and it's foolish to think otherwise. With growth comes change and determines the outcome resulting from the changed behavior or attitude and if you let it, will enhance your perception of self and the world around us. We WILL move forward in this life. Whether willingly or fighting all the way, it does not stop. Do you want it to be one of growth or being stuck? Only each of us can make that change. Are you ready? I am!!

As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of our military in your prayers. So they may one day have a safe return home, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.

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