Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Whispers of the Heart

God blessed us with a gut intuition for a reason. Or little whispers of knowledge. We don't know how or why, we just know we should pay attention to them. So far every time I have listened to mine I have been dead on. Thank God today I know how to pay attention to those little whispers or some times gut kicks.
I once read somewhere to make sure it's intuition not insecurity. Sometimes our insecurities will cause us to look for things that are not really there rather our own fears causing us to confuse the two. And often times can be caused because we are lacking in the trust department. Myself personally I think if there are trust issues in a relationship than we need to address those quickly. I recently went through a situation where I was slightly confused over these very things. Was it because I don't trust or because my gut was kicking the hell out of me? So I did a self check and then sat back and waited. Low and behold it was a combination of both and the truth showed its ugly self. My intuition was dead on with my trust issues and this helped me make an informed and correct decision. There was no denying what was right in front of me. Now, I could of sat back and said "oh poor me, here we go again" and allowed myself to crawl in to a pity party but I choose to rise above it. Thanking God for giving me the wisdom to know the difference and learn from another life lesson. A dear friend of mine said to me "don't give up sweetie, keep on keeping on. You'll get a winner". I thank god that I have the strength and confidence today to know that I WILL be just fine in life and able to do just that, keep on keeping on.
We all have the ability to overcome situations in life if we lean in and press on. Knowing that we are already equipped with the very strength we need to do that very thing. Nothing happens out of coincidence, all things happen for a reason. Good, bad and indifferent. It is how we either embrace or fight the situation that determines how we deal with other life lessons thrown our way. I choose the sunny side of the street today.
"The human heart knows things that the eyes don't see and feels things that the mind cannot understand"  author unknown
As always please keep all men and woman of the military in your prayers for a safe return home one day, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home.  God Bless

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Your blog was excellent. I couldn't agree with u more. Everything does happen for a reason. God does give us the strength to handle all situations. I am the same as u as far as intuitions go. I always have to follow my gut. When I don't, things go wrong.