Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Everything to gain

"The best way to find out if you can trust somebody is to trust them"   Ernest Hemingway

That is a tricky one for me. How many times have you said "oh I trust you" and in the back of your head your thinking "can I really?".  For me trust is a hard thing to accept. This comes from many heartbreaks and let downs by several people in my life. I continue to try with trusting people until they let me down and this is a constant struggle for me. But I refuse to give up. I'm not perfect and I'm sure there have been times when I have broken someones trust as well. While it was not intentional or life shattering, it was broken none the less. It's been said; trust is like a crumpled piece of paper. Once straightened out its still crumpled. Rebuilding trust takes time and mutual forgiveness in order to rebuild the trust that has been broken. Forgiveness between all parties involved is required. Just like any repairs, this will take time and patience. 
I believe that nothing happens out of God's plan for us and that all things happen for a reason. We may not like or understand why when we are in the midst of things, but I promise there is ALWAYS a reason for the life lessons we go through. I call those growing pains. Change is sometimes uncomfortable and for some of us very scary. It is when we resist change that we imprison ourselves and hide from God's invitation to grow. Only when we are willing to experience these lessons with trust and faith, and see them as blessings not curses, will we then be able to wholeheartedly join in the stream of life and break free from the chains that bind us. 
Lack of trust and holding on to fear is just as crippling to ourselves as is the act of what caused the mistrust to begin with. Can't is not an option either. We need to realize, that I can't is just another way of saying I fear. If we were to remove fear from the equation, think of all we can accomplish. A great example is getting involved in a new relationship. This requires a lot of trust in the beginning. We are getting to know someone new and really have no choice but to trust that person until they show us other wise. For me, I tend to go into it just waiting for that person to show me that no one is worthy of trust and that it's a matter of time before they hurt me. Because that is what always seems to happen when I allow my guard down. Or so it seems. I have labeled that recently as "self sabotage". What an aahh haa moment that was for me!! I mean; me of all people trying to be the best I can and trying to not compare and trying to be this strong person that I practice to be everyday, having this character defect of self sabotage.  WOW that one hit me hard and made me realize I have a lot of work to do yet. And that's ok. See folks we are all human and we are going to make mistakes in life. It is when you stop trying that you fail and fear has won. 
We can all change our response from I can't to I'll try.  We can all take the first step away from fear and push through the uncomfortable of the unknown towards trying something new. There are no guarantee's that it will all work out in our favor, but if we don't at least try how will we ever know. How will we ever get to see all that God has in store for us?! How will we ever grow in to better, stronger people if we don't at least try?! We owe to ourselves that much at least. The only obstacles in our way are the ones we put there to protect us from the things we fear. So get out of your way and watch as things start to happen in your favor.
As always please keep all men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers, so that they may one day be home safe with their loved ones as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home.  Please also keep all effected by the bombings in Boston in your prayers for strength and guidance to get through this time of tragedy. 


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