As you take in the beauty of this picture let the depth of it's meaning soak in for a moment. What you see is yours and yours alone. We all view things differently such as this picture. For me it means sadness, loss, strength and beauty. This picture and I'm quoting someone very close to me here represents a "flood of emotions". Here is what I see. When I look into the depth of this persons eyes I see sadness, down to the tree that represents a loss he/she may have experienced causing the sadness. The crow is more times than not viewed as a bad omen, caused by deception. However; when you google the symbolic meaning of a crow you will see that it actually represents survival. A crow has the ability to adapt in any environment and is sometimes viewed as meaning spiritual strength. Water to me represents the ups and downs such as a wave of life's happenings. And then the shell, representing the protective cover often placed around ones heart as to not get hurt. And lastly the mini wave crashing on the shore for a soothing feeling that this to shall pass. Allowing us to feel strength that we will be fine if we just let go, going with the flow and not fight the currents of life. The Indians believed that our creator put everything on this earth to live together and be used respectfully. Maybe this is why I have such a connection to our earthly things in relation to life and the people in it.
Just as this picture can have different meanings to different people so do our words. People don't realize the depth of words spoken and how they can affect us in different ways. And often times can cause pain, sadness and even great joy. I once read somewhere "chew on your words before you spit them out", meaning think before you speak. Something I try to work on regularly. Tone has a lot to do with what we say more so than what we actually say folks. I have had physical abuse and I have had verbal abuse in my life and bruises go away but words never do!! Trust me when I tell you this. There are things in my life to this day I struggle with because of unkind words that had been spoke to me in the past. I am teaching myself everyday that I deserve to be loved and respected. How do you feel when someone says "I love you?" Do you feel a rush of warmth through your body? Do smiles come more easily knowing you are loved? Do you question whether that person meant it or not? Lets face it "I love you" is one of many words that is so carelessly thrown around in our world. Words of love can be very inspirational to the person receiving them. It can bring out the best in us, encourage us to move in a new direction, set new goals, step outside of our box and attempt to walk into something unfamiliar. Knowing that you are genuinely loved can soften the hard edges that life's experiences have caused. We don't have to get caught up in every storm that blows our way. We don't have to live the pain of every person that crosses our path and said unkind words to us. We don't have to become what another tells us we are with these unkind words. We all have the ability to comfort and heal by recognizing as the Indians did that our creator meant for us to dwell on this earth to live together and be respectful. All we have to do is live life on life's terms, go with the flow and show another respect they are due so that we can enjoy the ebbs and flows of life as peaceful as possible.
"Be the change you want to see in the world"
As always remember the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers for a safe return as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.
1 comment:
just awesome!!!! tc
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