Sunday, November 11, 2012


I would like to take today and give a special thank for all our men and woman of the military branches & their families for the ultimate sacrifice of protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. A special prayer for those who did not make it so their families may find the strength to carry on without them. And that they may find comfort in knowing their loved ones did not pass in vain & they will ALWAYS be remembered & honored.

We tend to take each other for granted as if we know that we will have another day with the ones that mean the most to us. When in fact if God is knocking on my door I'm pretty sure it will not be to tell me I have more time. We must ALWAYS tell those around us how much they mean to us so when we pass they will never question our love for them. We must ALWAYS show respect to one another. We must ALWAYS remember to dance like no one is watching & play like a child.

Count your blessings not what your missing out on.
Live, Love, Laugh my friends.
Life is to short & none of us are promised tomorrow.

Ask yourself; "what can I do to make tomorrow better for someone else?"

Thank you for the continued support & encouragement. I am a very blessed woman.

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