"I do not need to know exactly how to let go of my resentments or what will happen after I do. I simply must be ready to let them go."
We must trust in our higher power that he can & will take care of us. It is when I do this that things start to get better for me.
It was once explained to me like this. If you were water skiing & fell down but would not let go of the rope you would be pulled under the water again and again and again. Eventually you would let go. Wouldn't you? One would hope so. Now I don't know about you but I'm the type of person that has to be pulled under the water a few times before I realize that it's as simple as just "letting go"!
As you go about your day, please remember to keep the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers for a safe return to their loved ones.
Good night & God Bless.
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