Sunday, May 24, 2009


As we go about our day to our cookouts let us remember the men & woman of ALL branches of the armed forces. Remember that in one form or another they are laying down their lives for us; in efforts to keep all of us safe from the people that despise us and our freedoms! Whether it be their time away from family or the ultimate sacrifice of life.
Remember that it is the little things like a barbecue or friendly game of softball that we get to partake in that they may not. Remember that it is the little things like fresh cut grass that we get to smell as we enjoy the company of friends & family that they don't.
Remember that we get to hold our little ones & shower them with kisses & hugs that the men & woman of our military do not get to enjoy today. Remember that it is because of these men & woman that we get to enjoy the Healthy Freedoms of home that they miss out on.
Remember to say a prayer for all of them in that they may have a safe return and get a chance to enjoy all that they helped to protect!!
It is with GREAT pride that I post this today as some of you know my brother is one of those great soldiers that I write about.
Good night & God bless all of you.

1 comment:

Kim said...

Very well put Jen. I remember on a daily basis the men and women who give my my healthy freedoms and am so grateful they are willing to do so for us.