So many times we get on our pity pots & the wooooo is me syndrome kicks in after something in our lives happens that we don't like or agree with. Truth of the matter is this; we are all just here for a temporary moment in time. Now we can either sit on the pity pot & whine about how life is not fair & how someone or something did not go/do as you wanted. Or you can get up of your rumpus & let it motivate you into doing what is truly in your heart to do. After all who wants to sit on the pot to long anyhow it is known to cause serious rings on your bottom!!
Those of you that know me know that it is with my deepest passion to make the most of life while I am here & that is why I do what I do. I have made a "choice" to let my circumstances motivate me not paralyze me! Can't is not an option for this lady.
amazingdance.wmv (5346KB)
After watching this video I thought to myself; "there is no accomplishment out of reach if we will do just that; reach for one!!"
Please remember the men & woman from all branches of the military as they do what they do for us so that we may live with the Healthy Freedoms we have all come to love. Keep them in your prayers for a safe return to their loved ones soon.
Enjoy & God Bless.
Tried to watch the video, but the link didn't work. Can't should be removed from the dictionary, in my opinion.
Sorry about that folks, try this and see if it works.
Ok here we go, I found it on You tube & will post it on a 2nd post.
Thanks for bringing this to my attention.
Thank you for the kind words you sent me on your blog and in your e mail. I read that on a day when I was a little blue. So a huge double thank you!
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