Today I had an aha moment while in church. See as I sat there waiting for service to start I was thinking about what it was I was going to blog about & then it hit me "The Little Things". Today's message in church was about simplicity & I thought to myself, this is exactly what God wanted me to blog about. The pastor was delivering his message about how we always want more in life, when in fact God wants us to live a life of simplicity.
See we as human beings think that we always need "more" verses living with what we already have right in front of us. When in actuality the little things are what makes us the happiest, when allowed! We think that we have to want more in order to get more when what happens is that we loose the importance of just that. What is really important in life. Think about it; if you were to die was it that important the dishes did not get done or the emails did not get updated?
Or would you regret not spending those last minutes with our loved ones & all their beauty?!
I try to live a simplistic life and those of you that know me know this to be true. Some view this as being negative when in fact its my way of trying to focus on whats important to me. See for me it can be a little thing such as a soft whisper of "I love you", or a crazy sloppy kiss from my beautiful daughter (she will be 2 on Christmas day), a simple "nice to see you again" from someone that has only met you once before. Or when you don't think people appreciate when you are trying to do something good says to you "oh by the way I like what you had to say on..." it does not take much to let someone know how important they or what they are trying to do is. Send a sweet email, leave a nice note or call someone & leave a voice mail. So that you don't have any regrets and those of importance to you will know.
When I got home from church today I decided to research alittle bit about what the word simplicity means & this is what I found. Simplicity often connotes or expresses beauty, the quality of being simple, freedom from being difficult. See people tend to complicate things and make them more difficult then something truly is in an attempt to avoid facing what the real issue may be. I believe this is why some people tend to stay so busy that they don't know how to enjoy the little things in life. I was always so wrapped up in helping other people fix there problems so I did not have to look at my own. Then one day God took that from me & told me through a friend that maybe it was time I started looking at my own issues. That was a few 24 hours ago in what I believe to be preparation for problems to come.
As I embark on another part of my journey and struggle with some of my own trying times from recent life changes. Wasting time trying to make sense of why things happened. I have to remember that it is just that a waste of time! Because the only one that can or will make sense of this is God & that all I can do is control the control ables. My daughter is a dream come true for me something that I did not think was possible. When I watch her & partake in playtime it is then that I'm reminded on a daily basis to slow down & remember what is truly important, "The Little Things".
Slow down enjoy the simplistic beauty that surrounds you & is free for us to drink in. See folks none of us are promised tomorrow or even the rest of the day so live like its your last & with no regrets.
As always please keep the men & woman of the service in your prayers so that while they are over fighting a war for our Healthy Freedoms that they are kept safe for their return to us someday soon.
Embrace your journey & enjoy the little things!!
Well put girlfriend~!
...and what a time to hear about simplicty.Especially during the Holiday season. While rading your blog a song started going through my head saying in part
" It's the beauty of simplicity, that brings me down to my knees......"
Thanks for the reminder, my special friend.
Luv you, Sherry E.
Well put girlfriend~!
...and what a time to hear about simplicty.Especially during the Holiday season. While reading your blog a song started going through my head saying in part
" It's the beauty of simplicity, that brings me down to my knees......"
Thanks for the reminder, my special friend.
Luv you, Sherry E.
wonderful words from a very sweet person. Continue to believe that you are bigger than the occurrences of your life. God puts up where we can learn new things and there is always good even when the learning is painful. Love you much, Carey
Jen, SOOOOOOOOO true. It was nice seeing you yesterday. You have a peace about you and it is beautiful. You make me feel welcome and you are the new one! Press on sister! Warmly, Tammy
Thanks Jen!-- a really great reminder during an often hectic season! I am really striving to live a more simplistic life so this came at a perfect time for me!
I love this blog! I look forward to getting together to discover what God has planned in 2009. Keep up these moving posts!
Steve P
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