Tuesday, April 10, 2007

"Sometimes love is enough"

As I sat down today responding to my emails it hit me how much I love everyone in my life. The fact that we are capable of loving that many people that strongly blows me away. Then add a child and your love seems to intensify. I don't know how such a thing is possible but it is great & I try not to question the big man upstairs & what he has done.
One of the things that I've been in the process of learning over the last few 24hrs is how to receive the same type of love that I give. For those of us that have endeared some type of abuse or neglect in life we struggle with this more so then the average person. To receive a compliment & not go into a long drawn out explanation, just knowing that "Thank You" will suffice is a challenge on the same level. No matter what type of abuse or neglect one has suffered it has been imbedded in our minds that we are not worthy or deserving of the love we give. And that is not what God intended for us.
It was asked of me "would you expect someone to do for you what you do for them?" and believe it or not I had to think about my response before responding "no". What I learned at that moment was I did not feel worthy of receiving what I was giving for what ever reason. Today I'm happy to report; I don't question but know that I deserve everything I give to another human being good and bad. It goes back to that old saying "What goes around comes around". I try to treat people with respect and to accept people for the way they are. Now I can show my children how to give & receive healthy love from another person.
It is really nice to have people in my life to help show me that sometimes love is enough and that is a healthy freedom I truly enjoy.
As always please keep our men & woman of all armed forces in your prayers for safe returns soon.
Good night & God bless!!

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