Have you ever done something & got alittle upset with yourself. Reason being that you felt you could of or should of handled a situation a particular way & did not. So one walks away feeling as if they missed out on an opportunity of some kind !! That was my ahhh haaa moment this evening. I find that I carry some old resentments with me, that then create new ones out of little nothings. Then just like that "BAM" the situation solves itself & your left feeling upset with self about nothing. We are our own worst critics when it comes down to it.
These days I try to pay attention more as to why I allow some things to set me off. Most the time its generally myself. Actually if I stood in front of a mirror and expressed whatever it is I was feeling at that moment chances are laughter would erupt. Someone gave me a sign to hang on my mirror that said "your looking at the problem" that is so true half the time.
How can we expect someone to know what we need or want from another if we are to afraid to ask? And why do we feel at times that we do not deserve just as much happiness as those we expect to get it from? A few 24 hours ago someone asked me that question and I had to think about it for a moment, my response was "well...". Well truth of the matter is that if I dont tell you what I would like or need then the only one I have the right to get upset with is myself. We are not mind readers and an expectation is an excuse for the right to have a resentment. And you know what they say about excuses !!! hahaha
My aaahhh haaaaa moment & bottom line is this, I dont want to live in fear or anger anymore. And to tell you the truth a resentment is very very very heavy to carry around. So if I feel the need to carry a resentment or to be angry about something then I'm not trusting in god/higher power to do what it is he has planned for my life!!
Good night and God bless.
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