"Learning to be brave in my beautiful mistakes..." Pink
How many times have we made a mistake in life and said "it is what it is" ?! I know I have. For me it is a defense mechanism, acting as a pain buffer. To make the pain of a painful situation not hurt so bad. Or the rejection justifiable. In a twisted attempt to make it easier to accept what has happened. I have to remind myself that all things happen for a reason and that it is not always "what it is". Big or small all things do happen for a reason and serve some significant purpose in our life. Some would argue that is not true. That some things are truly "is what it is" situations. My personal opinion is that perception is key. And all things are perceived differently by each one of us.
I have been through a lot of painful situations in the course of my life. Failed relationships, a job I really wanted and did not get, loss of loved ones due to death and the list goes on. Today I like to refer to them as "Life Lessons". Showing me that I can be a better person without being negative about the outcomes. Believe me some day it seemed like the struggles would not end. The pain, the loss, the heartache and disappointments. Often thinking "God give me strength because I am burned out" and did not think I could handle another let down. Looking back I see that I have taken something positive from all I have experienced and now try to make a difference in anothers life by saying "I understand" and mean it. Our mentality in any situation has a very powerful effect upon our ability to succeed in coming out stronger and not negative.
Is it just coincidence that these things happen to us? Again, open for our own perception of the issue at hand. I personally believe that there is a higher power working in our best interest to teach us valuable lessons. Opening our eyes and guiding us to help achieve our dreams and reach our goals . To become overcomers with a refreshed view of life and to show us a strength we never knew we had in us. So that we may share our experience, strength and hope with another going through a similar situation. So that we can say "I understand" and truly mean it.
Iyanla Vanzant says: "Don't get hung up on the hard times or the challenges. Tell your story by highlighting the victories. Because it's your victories that will inspire, motivate and encourage other people to live their stories in grander ways."
That is my purpose in sharing this blog along with some of my own personal "beautiful mistakes" (experiences) with all of you. Not to come across negative or hung up on the past. Rather to show you that there is NO situation to bad to overcome. My goal is to offer hope and encouragement with a little ray of sunshine at the end of the tunnel. Thank God life is a "WE" thing and not a "ME" thing. Put your hand in mine and together we can make it!!
As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of our military in your prayers. So they may one day have a safe return home, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.