Monday, April 13, 2015

Reset...It's just that simple.


"You never change things by fighting the existing reality. To change something, build a new model that makes the current model obsolete."   Buckminster Fuller

You can accomplish this by hitting the reset button in life...

Sometimes life hands us lemons and we are just not in the mood for lemonade. Or sometimes we are in the mood, we are just not totally prepared for the bitterness of the sour lemons. For example; when I changed jobs I knew there was going to be a HUGE difference in my pay check and had prepared myself to the best of my ability mentally for the 1st payday. When payday came, I saw, I excused myself and I went to the bathroom to regroup. Or reset if you will. It was a shock to say the least, but one I had been preparing for. I was proud of myself once I "reset", I was able to proceed with my day in a positive manner. I forced myself to quickly find at least 3 positives about the new job and that got me on track to proceed through out the day as needed. The follow payday came and subconsciously I was NOT mentally prepared for it. BAM!!! It hit me and I was paralyzed for the day. The problem was that I did not allow myself to hit the reset button nor find any positives. I and ONLY I allowed it to ruin my day.

When we allow ourselves to fly off the handle or react before hitting the RESET button, there could be serious consequences to follow. If I would have opened my mouth to express my shock and upset about my pay check that day, I could of possibly lost my job. The very job that I chose to accept. The job that has a lot of potential if I just stick it out. The very job that is paying my bills and providing insurance for myself and my daughter. Thank God I hit the reset button in my head and kept to myself. Or as some would say "put a rock in it".

Sometimes we just need to take a deep breath and hit the reset button. Ask questions such as...

"What caused the set off?"
"How important is it?"
"What if anything can be done about it?"
"How do we get in the right frame of mind to get where we need to be?"

It is when we take a step back and ask these simple questions that the reset button does not appear as big as we think in the moment.

Looking for all the positives in what feels to be so negative, helps to ease the burden of what is causing this life disruption at the time.

When we force ourselves to look for the good in any situation it lessons the anxiety and sting of what we think is so bad. Allowing us to enjoy the lemonade with a much sweeter and not so bitter taste.

As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of our military in your prayers. So they may one day have a safe return home, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.

Sunday, April 5, 2015


"For success, attitude is equally as important as ability."    Harry Banks

I have been in that "why do things happen like they do?" frame of mind lately. Making one evaluate the goings on in my life and those around me. Do situations happen to make us press in and dig deeper for the things we really want out of life? Are they to force us to look within our own, to see if there are things we need to change? Such as our attitudes. Or do things just happen for no reason other than..."it is what it is"!

Isn't it just amazing how our attitude's determine what we are able to accomplish or not?! For example, I have worked with college scholars that had the dictatorship attitude and accomplished nothing though out the day, except tear down the moral of others. Making me question their ability, and asking...what are they really capable of? Then I have worked with your average everyday single parents who had a "can do" mentality. Who sometimes come from little to nothing in life and refuse to feel or carry a "Defeating" attitude. People who were able to accomplish any task you gave them. Even if it was something they were unfamiliar with. Causing them to be successful. And allowing them to have a "Victorious" attitude. Pretty much how I feel when I update my blog.

When we have the attitude of VICTORY in our beings, it allows us to be more open to having the attitude of "Gratitude" in our lives. Causing us to look at all we have in our lives to be grateful for. Forcing us to be positive in that moment. And when we are positive it is hard to be negative. Try keeping a gratitude journal for one week and see how much better you feel. Watch how your attitude changes for the more positive. Every day get your journal out and write 5 things you are grateful for that day. It does not matter when you journal them just as long as you do it. There is NO right or wrong way to do it either. It can be as simple as a bowl of your favorite ice cream. How good the breeze and sun felt on your face. How grateful you are to be able to smell the new growth in the yards around you. Whatever you choose to be grateful for on that very day you journal. It is your gratitude list. Own it, feel it, love it!

With the change in season comes more rain and increased sun. Causing the flowers to bloom and the trees to bud. Putting a smell of spring in the air. Representing all things new and fresh. I challenge you all, along side of me to nourish your attitude with all things new and fresh. Find a new way to view things in your life. Check the thoughts you allow to come out of your mouth. Refresh the way you treat other people. And watch the attitudes change. Amazing ourselves of our "ability" to grow. Fresh and New.

As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of our military in your prayers. So they may one day have a safe return home, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.