Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Cherished Love
"Happiness is not measured by what you hold in your hand, but by what you hold in your heart." Author Unknown
So often we take people and life for granted. Saying to ourselves, "I'll do that tomorrow" or "I'll make that call to so & so tomorrow". When we don't even know if we will have a "tomorrow". Or how many times have you said, "oh they know I love them" and not actually tell those people you love them. How do you feel when someone tells you they love you? Do you feel like you can take on the world knowing that person loves you?! Do you walk with a little giddy up in your steps?! Do you catch yourself smiling a little more because you know your loved?! Words of love can be very inspirational. They can sometimes encourage us to move in another direction in our lives, set new goals, step outside of our comfort zones to try something unfamiliar or just give us a sense of peace knowing we are loved. Both giving love and being loved can soften the sometimes difficult things we have to deal with in life.
I have a friend who is suffering from cancer that is spreading through out her body and quickly. The doctors say they don't want to do anymore surgery to remove the tumors, because they are growing to fast. And the whole time she is fighting just to stay alive one more day, her concerns are for her children, husband and close friends. She says to me that she is ok with dying and that she is not afraid for the inevitable to happen, she is sad that her kids (grown) and husband have to go through all this. Telling me they have their own lives to live and should not have to be taking care of her. My dear friend is probably the most positive person I have ever met and ALWAYS no matter what she has going on in her life, tries to see the positive outcome in another's problems. I have been very blessed for the last 17yrs to have been part of her life and her of mine. She has made a huge impact on the person I have grown to be. She has taught me how to forgive and how to love by showing me with her actions. She has shown me how to laugh at the painful situations that would make another want to cry. She has shown me how to be a good friend. Her love and friendship will forever be cherished.
We don't have to get caught up in every storm that blows our way, or every pain our loved ones go through. We don't have to right every wrong done to others. All we have to do is "do good and show love" as old man Raymond use to say. No storm or pain is ever really to bleak when we share it with an abundance of love to be cherished by both self and others. Offering our love humbles us and cultivates an inner joy/peace. Knowing we are loved inspires us and invites us to put our best foot forward to do just that; "Pay it forward". Love causes ripples of great and simple acts of goodness in the world and does not cost a thing if you think about it. Each of us can change the course of history today, tomorrow and always just by sharing our love.
As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of military in your prayers for their safe return home one day, as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
Weighted Change
"If you keep saying things are going to be bad, you have a good chance of being a prophet"
Issac B. Singer
Have you ever felt like everything was just piling up on your shoulders, to the point of becoming somewhat overwhelming at times? Feeling like it was never going to end. Or asking yourself "what have I done to deserve all this? Or telling yourself "your strong enough to handle this, suck it up". When the truth of the matter is we did nothing to provoke these things from happening. Life happens! And yes we have weak moments. Not to be confused with us being weak people. But again, life happens! Our attitude and perspective can make life more positive and enjoyable.
Taking a good honest look at ourselves and our behavior, while showing ourselves compassion, is a VERY powerful combination. We have the opportunity to change things we don't like for the better and not demand perfection from ourselves or others. But sometimes we are to quick to snap at a decision over a situation that is often times caused from fear of looking inadequate or stupid. When what we fail to realize is that without taking the time to pause and think things through; or as I have been taught, take a 24hr soak on the matter, it's in those moments that we end up looking like what we feared. Pause for a moment before reacting and remind yourself that an impulsive reaction NEVER benefits us and then act accordingly.
We are not always in control of situations that weigh us down and rest on our shoulders (or so it feels), we are however in full control over how we handle it. In order to change the situations in our lives we need to change our thinking. Instead of looking at things like "well here we go again" or "bad things always seem to happen to me", look at is an opportunity to grow. Gods little way of showing us that we can change our old habits of negative thinking and that we are stronger than we give ourselves credit for. This does not mean that you are in denial of the situation your going through it just means you are allowing yourself to think and act differently. Giving yourself the opportunity to grow and have a healthier way of thinking.
It is so comforting to know that we can't change anyone but ourselves, and that is all we need to know in this moment in time. Ever reminding ourselves that every time we change, we grow better. And when we grow into better human beings it causes a ripple effect in all directions of our lives. Thus making us better, more productive people. Change does not have to be a negative thing. Life will go on and situations will continue to arise, we have the power and choice to handle things differently. Get out from under the heaviness of the situation,change your thinking and leave the weights in the gym where they belong. haha
Love yourself a little more, be kinder to yourself as you would another. Be the change you want to see in the world folks. We ALL have it in us no matter what life throws our way.
As always please keep the men and woman of all branches of the military in your prayers, so that they may have a safe return home soon as they are out there protecting our HEALTHY FREEDOMS here at home. God Bless
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