It was a beautiful sunny mid August afternoon, when a group of us decided to go boating. Enjoying water sports & the good company of each other. Watching the others have so much fun skiing I decided to go ahead & give it a try. Now I've never been on skis before so needless to say I fell, but refused to let go of the handle allowing it to pull me under the water again & again & again. All I had to do was let go & let the life jacket hold me up until they could circle around to retrieve me. But I was to scared to do a simple thing as just letting go.
Isn't it funny how when something in life knocks us down we refuse to let go of the problem or situation much like the ski handle, causing us to get pulled down again & again & again. And all we have to do is let go of the situation & stay afloat as if we're wearing a life jacket. Trusting that our higher power will circle around & save us from any potential danger, just as our friends would on the boat. It is when we refuse to let go thinking we can do something to change the outcome if we just hang in there. That is when you put yourself in harm's way & that is when you will be pulled under repeatedly possibly drowning in the problem at hand.
Letting go & trusting in the unknown is a very scary thing, I know I've been there more time that I care to recollect. Let me share one of the big ones w/you. It was a Sunday & I had decided to go ahead w/my divorce & stay in the house we had bought. On Monday I had been let go from my job. Now I could of went home & acted out of fear & decided to stay in an unhealthy marriage, but I did not. I went thru w/the divorce trusting that something good was going to come out of all this. Scared? I was very scared of how I was going to make it. (All this being pre-Gabby) I had to ask myself "how bad do you want it?" , then made the decision to do what it took to get thru this challenging time. It was not easy & I was scared to death most of the journey but happy to report that all worked out & needs were met.
I choose to let go of the handle that was pulling me under, I choose to stay afloat & wait for my higher power to save me, I choose to enjoy the warm sunny days & cool breezes. And I hope you choose to do the same. I believe that when we are tested in life that is when we find our trues selves & what we are made of. It is in these times that we have to dig deep & look for solutions not hang onto the problem.
Going in to the holiday season let us remember the men & woman of all branches of the military in our prayers, that they may be kept safe & returned to their loved ones soon.
Good nite & God bless.